2023 Petite Sirah
Nortre Vue Vineyards
Picked early morning and picked up at 7:30 am
2004 lbs
Brix after crush is 23.2 3.74 pH 6.9 grams/liter T.A.
30 ppm SO2 added, 40 grams "Enartis Color Plus"
200 grams "Enartis Tan v"
180 grams "Enartis Pro Tinto"
180 grams "Enartis Fermentaid O"
pitched with Williams Selyem Yeast 3:00 pm
120 grams of Acti-ML malo-lactic food
Pitched 3 2.5 gram packets of VP41 Malo-lactic culture
it is fermenting well
It's fermenting well
added 120 grams "Enartis" Fermentaid O , punch down twice a day
Pressing today, 146 gallons
pH 3.8 T.A. 5.92 grams/liter added 50 ppm SO2