Demattei Ranch
Pine Mountain
Picked on September 14th 2013
1610 pounds of Cabernet Sauvignon Grapes
30 pounds of Zinfandel grapes
Starting Brix of Must after Crush 26.4 Degrees
Pitched with Rockpile (RP15) Yeast at 5:30pm 9/14/2103
Stirred in yeast with a mortar mixer
but will continue to drop
We achieved almost 120 gallons of juice out of the pressing
Checked T.A. at .68
Added 20 ppm Sulfite
First racking on 10/26
Still fermentating at this point
added 20 ppm Sulfite
At this point we have a stuck fermentation
So moved 30 gallons into house to try keeping warm and see if that solves the problem
nothing happened till it got put back in cellar and it finely finished
after attempts to get it going again.
Decided to blend some Cabernet picked early from Stone Barn
Farm to balance of
the wine so added what worked out to about 25% of Early pick Cabernet
That wine then finished fermenting to dry.
Lab results
Alcohol 14.1%
pH 3.49
T.A. .792 g/100ml.
Free SO2 7mg/l.
Bottled the 30 gallons of unblended 2013 Cabernet
Added 20ppm SO2 to remaining wine (blend)
Current amount of wine still in barrels is 75 gallons
Bottled one 30 gallon barrel today
Current quantity left in barrels is 45 gallons.